Hong Meow is the phonetic translation of Panda in Cantonese Hong Kongs spoken language.
Some English words have entered these dialects, the phonetic translation sometimes being very homophonous, sometimes not.
The current name Changhua is the phonetic translation written in Mandarin.
In contemporary French sources, he was known as Victon, a phonetic translation of his Earldom of Wigtown.
Yu is known for her puns in creating radio programme titles and slang phrases (e.g., si-dan-up/"是但噏", literally "freestyle talk", as a phonetic translation of "stand-up").
The name 'G.O.D.' is the phonetic translation of the Cantonese words "to live better".
The word cummerband (see below), and less commonly the German spelling kummerbund (a phonetic translation of the English word), are often used synonymously with cummerbund in English.
Chinasat, phonetic translation is Zhongxing (ZX)
Modern neologisms are primarily translated into Chinese in one of three ways: free translation (calque, or by meaning), phonetic translation (by sound), or a combination of the two.
This corresponds to a more phonetic translation while still making use of macrons to mark long vowels.