The Energy Saving Trust, which among other things advises on such technology, reports a 20% increase in phone inquiries over the past year.
At the Larsen house, Stan answers a phone inquiry about the reward.
"We are getting a lot of phone inquiries," she said.
We advise in phone inquiries that they have the right to pay for photographs.
Around the country 50 percent of phone inquiries for closed-circuit seats, I'm told, are from women.
I am a police officer, and I sometimes handle phone inquiries from family members about persons just arrested.
The command reported 2,200 phone inquiries on Wednesday, compared with about 200 a day in quieter times.
I recognized Velvet from her voice as she took another phone inquiry at the speed of sound.
Later on in the day he made a few phone inquiries of his own.
The Commission took 96 complaints, conducted 60 interviews, and handled 500 phone inquiries in its first year alone.