For the year 2005, a number of 6370 phones belonging to 2373 people were tapped, the average tapping being of 220 days.
In negotiating with the undercover agent, he also used a cellular phone belonging to a woman identified as his girlfriend, the criminal complaint said.
Morgan also denied listening to voicemails left on a mobile phone belonging to the television presenter Ulrika Jonsson.
All stolen from other, legally held phones belonging to the three New York companies, and two of the Connecticut ones, and some from Pennsylvania.
At one point, he is decapitated and survives as just his head, scanning and taking the form of a mobile phone belonging to Mikaela to continue his task.
At the time, Surrey police suspected that phones belonging to detectives and to Milly's parents also were being targeted.
Just then, a phone belonging to a CNN producer rang, and Mr. Gore answered it.
This is great because it means we don't have to use a phone belonging to one of our parents - particularly while they might want to be using it.
Two had frozen to death in the walk-in freezer; their bodies were found only after a mobile phone belonging to one of the men rang.
Being able to show that a mobile phone belonging to one individual was used to contact another suspect's phone just before a murder or terrorist attack can be vital evidence.