Some were proposed early in philosophical history, and perhaps belong more to protoscience than science.
The result was a three-page paper that remains one of the most famous in recent philosophical history.
Six children who had been created in a laboratory and made history, both scientific and philosophical.
Lately, Lagerfeld has been reading a lot of Greek philosophical history.
There is a long philosophical and scientific history to the underlying thesis that reality is an illusion.
In order to understand its practical and theoretical uses, it is important to review the philosophical history behind its formation.
The notion of a language of thought has an extensive philosophical history, and also is studied in psychology.
Mainstream conjectural and philosophical history, in the Scottish style, hardly survived as a living tradition into the 1790s.
The majority of the research in the subject area has concentrated on looking at the intellectual and philosophical history of each society.
This is the time when Plato played a significant role in philosophical history.