This is incompatible with the philosophical definition of nothing, since it can be defined by certain properties such as space, and is governed by natural laws.
Under many philosophical definitions of the term "deity", senses 2, 3 and 4 can be shown to be equivalent.
Given the philosophical definition that knowledge differs from belief (knowledge is often defined as a justified, true belief), Gillman's works explicitly analyze epistemological questions.
The philosophical definition of inductive reasoning is much more nuanced than simple progression from particular/individual instances to broader generalizations.
PML uses the broad philosophical definition of agent as opposed to any other more specific definition of agent.
The biological and philosophical definitions of life, Acta biotheoretica, 24 (1975), 14-21.
NH is not naturopathy: they differ by philosophical definition and practice.
In contrast to philosophical definitions, an operational definition can be tested experimentally, and is useful for current research.
In a mathematical definition the conception is formed, in a philosophical definition it is only explained.
The central question in my reading of the novel, concerning the philosophical definition of humanity, empathy and memory, is virtually absent from Scott's film.