There, cradled by a beautiful wooden base, it would serve as an object of philosophical contemplation.
As he made his way to the bridge, the captain impatiently dismissed his philosophical contemplation of the Tehuan tragedy and turned his attention to more practical concerns.
Philosophers should influence politics only to the extent that they can ensure that philosophical contemplation remains free from the seduction and coercion of power.
Perfection and happiness- seen as synonymous- could be achieved through philosophical contemplation.
Clausewitz introduced systematic philosophical contemplation into Western military thinking, with powerful implications not only for historical and analytical writing but also for practical policy, military instruction, and operational planning.
Gone was the patient air of philosophical contemplation which characterized many of his meditative indoor perambulations.
Although attracted to philosophical and religious contemplation, he was unwilling to give up marriage and career.
With this happening in academia, there has been a good deal of philosophical contemplation and debate over the socioeconomic and political dynamics underlying the uproar.
Their productions often involve dazzling use of technology, such as projection and cameras, as well as lyrical and philosophical contemplation of serious themes.
End of profound philosophical contemplation.