However, in all three of these examples, motivation is drawn from existing mathematical or philosophical concerns.
Byron's response went something like, "I'm only a poet; I don't know anything about these philosophical concerns of yours!"
Instead she was free to focus on larger ethical and philosophical concerns, while examining the nature of love and leadership.
Maybe you've written a short poem that addresses "a philosophical or epistemological concern"?
Some were attracted by spiritual and philosophical concerns, others by the message of social uplift.
Theirs is just one of the several groups that gather on Capitol Hill to address religious and philosophical concerns.
Having established what he says are his facts, our anthropologist addresses the underlying philosophical concerns.
Anything that seems to be reducing community control is going to raise serious political problems and philosophical concerns.
Over time, more pragmatic questions have emerged, though for many years the following philosophical concerns dominated the intellectual discourse.
His early work combined poetry, performance, sound art, and visual arts with postmodern philosophical concerns.