Well, as you know, myprimary interest is in old systems of religious and philosophic thought.
Ion too much - he is very so, he have philosophic thought.
Most serious advances in philosophic thought result from some such comparatively direct contemplation of facts.
Aristotle's conception of the deepest human relationship viewed in the light of the history of philosophic thought on friendship.
Edison and Faust are indeed the extremes of philosophic thought and accomplishment.
All his work has been characterised by high experimental skill and philosophic thought".
Many of the existing cities began - or were compelled by force - to adopt Hellenized philosophic thought, religious sentiments, and politics.
Most of them were quite incapable of philosophic thought: were they therefore lost, doomed to error and confusion?
Averroes had no discernible influence on Islamic philosophic thought until modern times.
It is the supreme example of what I may venture to term the romance of philosophic thought.