These philosophers write books and articles about philosophy and teach classes about philosophy to university or college students.
Indeed, the wisest ancient philosophers taught that the heavens themselves are composed of music and there is a harmony of the spheres.
Both philosophers taught that the mind at birth is a blank slate and that all knowledge has to be acquired by learning.
A Chinese philosopher once taught his pupils the meaning of agression by having them wad up spring blossoms and throw them against a wall.
The great philosopher teaches Alexander and his friends all the latest notions of science, philosophy and literature.
To study philosophy, a student would have to go to a center of philosophy where philosophers taught, usually abroad in Greece.
Do not certain ingenious philosophers teach this doctrine, and ought not we to be grateful to them?
Yet while Christian teachers popularized such philosophic attitudes, they also threw out much of what these philosophers taught.
The philosophers were teaching under the porticoes.
It is not true, as the ancient Epicurean philosophers taught, that human beings only invent gods out of ignorance and fear.