By the same token, however, philosophers of mathematics have sought to characterize what makes one proof more desirable than another when both are logically sound.
In the 18th century, some rationalist natural philosophers sought to recover a supposed Edenic language.
The interest lies in the way great philosophers have sought to counter this problem.
A true philosopher never seeks to subvert the order of things.
Prophets, philosophers, and common folk alike sought after a viable, satisfying new ideal.
Each philosopher was faithful to his religion but sought to integrate classical political philosophy into, respectively, Islam and Judaism.
However all the philosophers depicted sought to understand through knowledge of first causes.
Although many philosophers Have sought for me with eagerness, Yet very few succeed at length In finding out my secret virtue.
A philosopher seeks the origins of faith in the material world, and confronts taboos.
As long as a hypothesis allows reliable computation, it does not have to match what a philosopher might seek as the truth.