The Innocents of 2007-2008 continued this philanthropic tradition by raising more than $14,000 for a local domestic abuse shelter.
After her father's death in 1892, Mary continued this philanthropic tradition by personally supervising many of these benefactions.
Robert M. Bass continues with the family's philanthropic tradition.
Private giving to German universities is limited by several factors, ranging from the lack of a philanthropic tradition to rules that limit the amount of tax-free donations.
The descendants of Seth Edulji Dinshaw have kept up his philanthropic tradition.
Here again is the connection between feminism and the philanthropic tradition.
Even as corporate leadership passed quietly from the city's founding families and into the hands of a new class of professional managers, the philanthropic tradition continued.
Dayton Hudson was the very embodiment of the local philanthropic tradition and a company that employed 34,000 Minnesotans.
Moreover, as will be argued below, they provided the continuity between the older philanthropic tradition and the labour exchange system as an example of collectivist social policy.
He embraced the philanthropic traditions of "tikkun olam" and instilled these values in his children and grandchildren.