Anne Hauberg's philanthropic career was launched when two of the couple's three children proved to be mentally disabled.
Over the course of her long modeling and philanthropic career, Iman has been the recipient of many awards.
During the 1860s, Peabody began his celebrated philanthropic career, endowing libraries and museums and aiding the poor on both sides of the Atlantic.
She was released 15 months later on November 25, 2009, and has since embarked on a philanthropic career.
After attempting to clear her husband's name, Sarah continued her philanthropic career.
He will be missed by all of us and by the many other individuals whose lives he touched during his remarkable business and philanthropic career.
Her philanthropic career began 1865 after her daughter's death.
In his philanthropic career he has supported charities that reflect his passion for music and art education.
Dr. Wharton's first 22 year philanthropic career began in Latin America with Nelson Rockefeller.
Mr. Bingham continued that tradition and apparently redirected his disappointment in the papers' sale into a more artistic, philanthropic career.