For two decades, the field grew at a phenomenal pace.
The evangelical movement is growing at a phenomenal pace in Guatemala, having hit upon a simple message: join us, get rich.
There, they're in a creative milieu which understands and embraces them, and, what's more, moves at their phenomenal pace.
Blocks now puts out records by local bands at a phenomenal pace - 30 CD's in two and a half years.
Isasi was characterized by his phenomenal pace, dribbling and scoring abilities.
But all that changed at a phenomenal pace.
They were moving at what seemed like a phenomenal pace, though probably it was only about fifteen miles an hour.
The Bulls are still the best team in basketball, winning at a phenomenal pace and threatening to challenge last season's amazing 72-10 mark.
Mankind's consumption of the Earth's natural resources is proceeding at a phenomenal pace.
From then on it was all up hill, at a truly phenomenal pace.