The Invisible Man, released in 1933, was a phenomenal hit and would spawn several sequels.
Dragon Gate Inn broke box office records and became a phenomenal hit and cult classic, especially in Southeast Asia.
In 1992-1993, with the huge international success of the film The Bodyguard, the soundtrack was also a phenomenal hit worldwide.
This only shows that our Independent Film Industry is now taking its way to make phenomenal hits.
The series became a big phenomenal hit in the Philippines.
With its complicated plot and quirky characters, the television show was a phenomenal hit when first broadcast in the United States in April 1990.
Famously, the cinema also transformed The Sound of Music into a phenomenal - and very camp - sing-a-long hit.
It's little wonder that Dani Levy's farce "Go for Zucker" has been a phenomenal hit in Germany.
The music by Naushadsaab was such a phenomenal hit that the company earned Rs 3 lacs as royalty from gramophone sales in the first year.
In ten years Motown has issued 600 single records, of which about three-quarters have been hits and rather more than less phenomenal hits.