There is also a large concentration of beings who are armed with small phaser weapons.
She handed the Vulcan her phaser weapon and was surprised a moment later when he turned it on her.
Your phaser weapons are different from ours, and obviously I'm not familiar with all the working parameters.
Small phaser weapons, such as this, are made in the replicator.
The court was getting the picture of a deeply disturbed individual who would not hesitate to fire a phaser weapon indiscriminately.
He was cradling a fairly nasty-looking phaser weapon in his hand.
Here are your belongings, but I could only get two of the phaser weapons.
He staggered into the woods after them, pulling out a phaser weapon and shooting indiscriminately.
When we came to Selva we didn't have a single phaser weapon.
A panel slid back, and he realized he was looking into a phaser weapon.