The former pharmacy manager, Anthony Mariano, shared his subordinate's concerns.
Rajesh Changela, 41, a pharmacy manager from Connecticut, described spotting as something like fishing, a leisurely pastime that helps him unwind.
Ms. Erickson, a pharmacy manager, said she paid about $300 a year for birth-control pills; her husband's health insurance policy, like her own, does not cover contraception.
But they face rising competition from pharmacy managers owned by large insurance companies.
Like pharmacists, pharmaconomists can work as pharmacy managers and HR managers (or as chief pharmaconomists).
A source said the gunman shot a pharmacy manager several times in the head and then ran through the hospital wielding at least two guns, searching for a second man.
She paid for her schooling by working multiple jobs, including pharmacy manager, typist, X-ray technician, and retail clerk.
She paid for her education by working odd jobs, including as a driver, a pharmacy manager, a telephone operator, and a typist.
Some of the jobs were the job of a driver, a X-ray technician, a pharmacy manager and a typist.
Update: Check out a video from Bonnie Frawley, a pharmacy manager from Boston, who talks about what the President's order will mean for hospitals.