Bayer has been scrambling since early this year to find a partner for its pharmaceuticals division.
His mother retired as a financial analyst at the pharmaceuticals division of Procter & Gamble in Norwich.
The purchase brings the company closer to the consumer market, from which it retreated somewhat in 1993, when it spun off its pharmaceuticals division, Zeneca.
Monsanto said its operating loss at its pharmaceuticals division narrowed to $8 million, from $26 million in the quarter a year earlier.
The pharmaceuticals division of a large corporation had devised a potion that bestowed immortality on a single application, without any need for follow up treatments.
The company said its pharmaceuticals division showed strong growth.
Ms. Garbus, 27 years old, is a strategic planning analyst in the pharmaceuticals division of Pfizer Inc. in New York.
For Ciba, the merger could update its pharmaceuticals division.
But what we both wanted to do was validate our view by bringing together a team of senior management from our pharmaceuticals divisions.
Bayer, which was founded in 1881, created its pharmaceuticals division seven years later and went on to develop best-selling drugs like Aspirin.