American pharmaceutical makers have been pushing the Clinton Administration to reopen the compromise because the requirements will not take full effect for 20 years.
Companies Two giant pharmaceutical makers took aggressive steps to help them compete in the rapidly changing market for prescription drugs.
"The pharmaceutical makers are hiring, not firing," he pointed out.
In many cases, pharmaceutical makers promised to undertake the studies as a way to speed their drugs' approval.
The insurers that provide these policies would have to negotiate any discounts with the pharmaceutical makers individually.
With their low budget for research and development, China's pharmaceutical makers are in a different league from the multinationals, but they do enjoy certain advantages.
The licensing procedure takes three to five years in most cases, and costs pharmaceutical makers $10 million or more.
That is an astounding amount given that the five largest pharmaceutical makers control only 30 percent of the market.
Yes, pharmaceutical makers have discovered women in a big way.
Three of the nation's largest drug and pharmaceutical makers yesterday reported mixed profits for the second quarter.