Somewhere beyond these phantom voices he could hear the whine of )et engines ... and that other sound.
This constant phantom voice is a reminder of how little I can see from my little cave.
"You will know them when they come," the phantom voice had added, this last time.
On the point of rising, Jonathan heard, or thought he heard, a phantom voice mumbling from somewhere far away.
There's a far bell ringing At the setting of the sun, And a phantom voice is singing Of the great days done.
Harris later recalled, "When you combine two unique voices it creates a third, phantom voice.
You can't be careful on a skateboard, mister, a phantom voice says inside his head, and Bill smiles a rueful grownup's smile.
Sam pushed both the question and that phantom voice away.
The sound is full of activity; the overtones conjured up phantom human voices.
My ears were tuned to smoldering, phantom voices that I knew were about to explode once again.