With a petulant gesture Flaussig jerked the aircraft high, to skim that crag to which Lorcas had made reference; for a period he flew in sullen silence.
It was a useless and petulant gesture, but it somehow made him feel better.
Dordolio made a petulant gesture.
Akadie made a petulant gesture.
Then she spread it over him, tucking it down at the sides with a few petulant gestures.
The girl flung aside with a petulant gesture, but I had caught a curious curl of her lips as though of pain.
Visbhume made a petulant gesture.
It was a petulant gesture, but T'Krek deserved it.
Sah-luma's delicate brows darkened into a close frown,--and he waved his hand with a petulant gesture of impatience.
Sah-luma gave a petulant gesture of annoyance and passed on.