They cite as an example his recent petulant behavior regarding certain league rules.
A reporter asked when Shockey's petulant behavior would be less tolerated.
The A.V. Club echoed the misgivings about Samus's immaturity, petulant behavior, and misguided loyalty.
In the past, his image has been tarnished by his lazy work habits and petulant behavior.
Kizette served as Tamara's business manager, social secretary, and factotum, and suffered under her mother's controlling domination and petulant behavior.
There are no outbursts of scoring, but neither are there outbursts of petulant behavior.
But his petulant behavior often drew the ire of teammates and management the last two seasons.
There was little sympathy for Kournikova, who has a history of petulant behavior in front of fans and with her peers.
The cause, in simple terms, was indisciplined Pakistan fast bowling and petulant behaviour in the face of a proper umpiring reaction.
She did not emerge as a sympathetic figure after the Olympics because of petulant behavior, but Scotvold, her coach, said that she has mellowed in recent years.