During Stalin's rule, every kommunalka was peopled with informers, some of whom solved petty disputes by reporting fellow tenants to the secret police.
"Gee, and I thought the FBI was above such petty disputes."
Life styles clash, misunderstandings abound and, finally, a baby is born, an occasion that does wonders for resolving petty disputes.
For the remainder of the year, Tureen assisted Passamaquoddy members in "petty disputes" such as divorce and bill collection.
However, a comparatively petty dispute with President James Madison and John Armstrong resulted in him resigning his commission as Major General.
F.B.I. agents said they had responded to calls stemming from petty disputes, business competition and dating rivalries, according to the study.
However, even the looming international crisis did not induce Lithuanian politicians to unite, and they continued to engage in petty political disputes.
But he said Monday's spectacle swept away petty disputes.
Referring to the Conservative Party, he said, "They should be focused on philosophy and principal and not on petty personal disputes."
In all such cases the contributing factors were usually alcohol and a bleak life that transformed ordinarily petty disputes into matters of great import.