The custom of the Garratt elections seems to have had its origin in a petty act of local injustice.
Everywhere, petty acts of vandalism - pictures smashed, pillows de-gutted, furniture reduced to timber.
Wouldn't that be just like everything else these days, the final petty act, the eradication of what little beauty was left in her horrendously stressful life?
Schools are often the target for petty acts of vandalism and urban schools in particular sometimes suffer from graffiti attacks.
It was a ridiculous and petty act of sabotage of which he was already ashamed.
She wasn't afraid of the altar or the person prone to such petty acts.
Repairs to gravestones have been carried out following last year's vandalism and other petty acts.
Perhaps these petty acts were to her followers heady and radical statements, but Angel knew that it was not the way.
A petty act of vengeance for interfering with her last red ditto.
Anna's petty acts of rebellion may seem trivial, but they really are crucial obstacles to a future that seems scarily up in the air.