For minor party candidate, the petition requirements are eased under C.R.S 1-4-802.
The petition requirements are notoriusly complex.
In both respects, the proposed Republican rules would resemble those used in Democratic presidential primaries, though both parties still have onerous petition requirements for state races.
He joined in a Federal lawsuit trying to knock out the onerous petition requirements.
He noted that in most states with petition requirements, the campaigns need gather only a total number of signatures statewide, rather than a certain number per district.
Party officials said his campaign had not met arduous petition requirements.
Both boards would have to convene a public hearing to determine whether the petition requirements were met and whether the proposed annexation was in the public interest.
Ruling on a challenge from supporters of Patrick J. Buchanan, the judge decided that the Trump delegate candidates had not gathered enough signatures to satisfy the petition requirements.
Diamond ended his campaign due to an inability to meet the petition requirements to get on the ballot as an independent.
Or, in many states, they do not meet petition requirements in which a certain number of voters must sign a petition for a third party or independent candidate to gain ballot access.