More than 600 members of woman's organizations have petitioned for Safazadeh's release.
An Abolitionism benevolent society called the African Association, the equivalent of a charity or pressure group, petitioned for her release.
She visited the headquarters of the SS almost daily to petition for her husband's release.
It was considered that the British government may petition for his release as had been done for other British nationals.
Within weeks, Lamar had sent Kinney to Mexico to petition for Dimmitt's release.
Candace Jean, the lawyer for the two men, has petitioned for their release on humanitarian grounds pending the outcome of the government's appeal.
They repeatedly petitioned for his release on medical grounds.
A group of well-known Tibetian and Chinese writers have been petitioning for his release.
The purpose of writing was to petition for his release; which was granted on 16 November 1876.
Tom was a model patient in the asylum and in 1837 the superintendent suggested to his wife that she should petition the home secretary for his release.