Political parties may be freely established and petitions to Parliament by private citizens are recognised in order to promote the democratic process and express the needs of the people.
In 2006 a petition by 500 Bangladeshi politicians and intellectuals, including Sheikh Hasina and Kamal Hossain, expressed support for Aung San Suu Kyi and called for the release of all political prisoners in Burma.
The petition expressed the dissident managers' concern with "the continual abuses against the meritocratic ethic and the rules of the company," stressing that Mr. Pérez Issa's immediate removal would be the determining factor in defusing the situation.
The petition expressed the desire of the Mississauga Band to acquire titled deeds and ownership to their lands, as they felt that this was the only way to prevent the encroachment of European settlers at the Credit River.
Both petitions expressed loyalty to the house of Sa'ud while opposing the lack of representation in the existing government.
An additional 108 signed petitions from all over Chappaqua and Millwood have expressed approval of leaving things as they are, along with easy-to-make improvements in the present exit-entrance.
The petition, which with the speech was published, expressed a hope that the parliament might take a course to secure peace.
The South African Broadcasting Corporation reported that their petition also expressed the wish to rejoin South Africa.
The petition expressed concerns about the university directory board choosing itself the teachers instead of electing them, and about the excessive power of university presidents over recruitment.
Madam President, Commissioner, anyone who has ever worked on the European Parliament's Committee on Petitions knows how much trust citizens' petitions express in the institutions of the Union.