While waiting in line for the men's bathroom upstairs, Malik Shahbaziyawaz (file him under financially secure) eyes a petite beauty whose gold necklaces are disappearing into her ample bosom.
But the name was astonishing: 'Theatre des Vampires,' and the time noted, nine p.m. "I turned it over and discovered written there the note, 'Bring the petite beauty with you.
Seeing the Prince with a petite beauty (whom they do not recognize), the stepsisters ask why he wouldn't prefer a substantial "usual" girl like them ("Stepsisters' Lament").
Ms. Dessay, a petite beauty and charismatic actress, was to sing the role of Juliette but had to withdraw because of a bad cold.
Mademoiselle, ah, what beauty, what petite beauty, ah, this will be so easy and such a pleasure.
I felt lanky and ill at ease in front of the petite beauty of Allison Cameron.
It's been quite a wild ride for the petite beauty who seems to have skyrocketed to fame while avoiding the child star curse of drugs, scandal and bad choices.
Angela, a petite, wide eyed beauty with dark hair done in an elfin cut, a little turned-up nose and the most exciting rear end Brough had ever seen, told him about her background.
Ms. Stone mixes it up with Christina Aguilera, calling her a "petite beauty."
She was a beauty, petite but fully proportioned, the Dragon Lady in the flesh, wearing a tight Mandarin style dress with a slit to the hip.