Him, his pet leopard, and his friend there.
Tagak is a blind extra-dimensional humanoid with a pet leopard.
Meanwhile, here in Lilongwe we have just received a report that a prominent Malawi businessman and entrepreneur has been savagely mauled by his own pet leopard.
He was mauled by his own pet leopard, wasn't he?
A number of fatal attacks have also occurred in zoos and homes with pet leopards.
Previously the whole area was excavated by archeologists who discovered many important finds, including medieval children toys and the tooth of King Matthias Corvinus' pet leopard.
Glass crunches under foot in the abandoned palaces, and Mobutu's pet leopard is said to stalk his ruined gardens.
"Every time I've seen this room in the sensies the heroine had a pet leopard with her."
The period Phantoms and Ghosts were especially stately: you expected one to be boarded by a Maharaja, or a fur-draped dowager walking her pet leopard.
He keeps a pet leopard, mountain lion and monkeys.