More than a decade ago, she blew into town from rural Ohio where her parents strictly limited her to one pet cow at a time.
"Does anyone name uglies like these, as if they were a child's cagebird or the old wife's pet cow?"
The cow was named Pauline Wayne and she became the last presidential pet cow.
His wife Laura seems to have been an equally wanting parent, more concerned with her beloved pet cows than with her children.
One day, Subbulakshmi's pet cow, Lakshmi gave birth to a beautiful baby calf.
She convinced him to spare from slaughter their pet cow, Girlfriend, when they were first married in 2003.
Yusuf II died suddenly in early 1224 - accidentally gored while playing with his pet cows.
She has a pet cow called Gyubei, whose milk that Kris cannot drink without.
Pauline Wayne was the last presidential pet cow.
And Rajak's bound to wonder what happened to his pet cow," "We could say he deserted.