When Jackson bought a pet chimpanzee Bubbles, the media viewed it as evidence of Jackson's increasing detachment from reality.
Shunned at first by her new classmates, Eliza talks to squirrels and her pet chimpanzee, Darwin, who has smuggled himself along.
His pet chimpanzee Bubbles, who took a separate flight, was greeted by more than 300 people.
He was unabashedly at ease keeping a pet chimpanzee, which sometimes answered the front door of his home and got soused at parties.
When Jackson bought a pet chimpanzee called Bubbles, it was reported as evidence of increasing detachment from reality.
At her home in St. Mark's Square, near the Zoo, she kept a pet chimpanzee, called Johnnie.
Seitz recalled asking Wilder what he required for the pet chimpanzee's funeral scene.
The film's central plot device finds Blacky and friends, not to mention a pet chimpanzee, tricked into living in a cellar below Marko's home.
In the film, Dante plays a zany drug dealer with a pet chimpanzee, lion and elephant.
Squirrely - Weird Pete's pet chimpanzee, he can be considered a security measure.