What the staff are most proud of, however, is their pet chicken, Martín, who patrols the palm- and creeper-filled courtyard.
I discovered that the manager in a store where I shop regularly keeps a flock of pet chickens.
When Rabbitt arrived in Nashville during the late 1960s, a friend gave him a pet chicken.
According to Devers, "She taught her pet chicken to walk backwards here."
Also, there is a pet chicken named Goldilocks.
They soon discover that their pet chicken is actually their transfigured grandmother Ruth.
I still don't plan on eating any of my pet chickens, though-that's a leap I'm not ready to take.
Other stories include his father bringing home a pet chicken for each child and his great-grandmother who buried the kids' old teeth in the garden.
I am not a poultry expert and my daughter's four attempts to keep pet chickens have all fallen prey to the local fox.
Their small daughters scamper, as do a dog and a pet chicken.