Her concerns evolve from pet alligators to fears of war.
There was even a TV show where one of the detectives had a pet alligator.
The family moved to Port Arthur, Tex., where his friends included a boy with a pet alligator.
Fido, the princess's pet alligator, thinks he is a dog.
At one time, the sisters kept a pet alligator named John in their garden, who had been visited with the indignity of a bow ribbon.
Before he was invited to leave Harvard, he had kept both a mistress and a pet alligator.
No, it's not the pet alligator your parents flushed down the toilet - he's grown up and terrorizing the sewers of Chicago.
Mr. Brazaitis was the guy the police called whenever a pet alligator got loose.
"Lazie's pet alligator hasn't been in my house since he was five feet long, outgrew the couch and ate the dog."
A man walked into a bar with his pet alligator.