Animals at the shelter that are considered to be suitable as pets are put up by the organization for pet adoption.
Yet, although several programs are undergoing to promote pet adoption, less than a fifth of the owned dogs come from a shelter.
Petfinder also serves as a directory of articles and videos about pet adoption, care, health, training and more.
Instead, Disney said it would show a message about pet adoption at the end of the film.
Like the Web site, the comic strip is used to support animal-friendly causes, including pet adoptions and opposition to fur clothing.
This site not only gives the general public specific information about the documentary, but also includes helpful information regarding pet adoption in general.
A fast growing source is online pet adoption.
Nobody who handles pet adoptions seems surprised that the cat is having its day, especially the big-city cat.
Since the installation, pet adoptions have increased at both shelters.
A representative from an animal shelter will be available to help with pet adoptions, and a photographer will take pictures.