It usually meant he had just swallowed their pet canary.
When he was three years old his aunt gave him a pet canary that supposedly inspired him to whistle.
His constant companion is a pet canary.
Other questions: did he deliberately drown her pet canary?
Mission statements can be as short as haiku or as long as novellas and may contain anything from poetry to promises to feed the pet canary.
As the playwright says in his stage directions, Mary speaks "as though she were describing a beautiful dream to a pet canary."
They used to have a pet canary, but one of them turned out to be allergic and had to give the bird away.
The ghost of the composer's pet canary?
Things go awry when they think they've killed Corrine's pet canary.
Ms. Moschera knew nothing of Shakespeare, but she does have a pet canary named Beakie, who's orange and stopped singing when he got a new mirror.