Industrial agriculture is widely considered to impose social costs through pesticide pollution and nitrate pollution.
The decline in the quality of water over the past 150 years (due to development) has contributed to coral bleaching, algal blooms, and pesticide pollution.
Although the Grey Crowned Crane remains common over much of its range, it faces threats to its habitat due to drainage, overgrazing, and pesticide pollution.
His proposal would repair abandoned municipal landfills, reduce agricultural runoff and other pesticide pollution, and help reduce levels of the chemical contaminant MBTE.
Major environmental problems are: soil erosion, pesticide pollution, air and water pollution.
The findings support growing consumer concerns about pesticide pollution and underscore suggestions that a more organic approach to agriculture would be beneficial.
In east Africa, threats to populations include overfishing, reductions in water quality due to agricultural activities and deforestation, and pesticide pollution.
It is one thing to agree with the ideas underlying the fight to reduce pesticide pollution, but quite another to discuss the current limited scope for applying those ideas.
The problems stemmed from the presence of nitrates and pesticide pollution of drinking water [see also p. 37209].
His hard-hitting conservation work included an exposé of mercury pollution in the Wisconsin River and a series on pesticide pollution.