Ecotoxicity Database - This database has over 15,000 summary records for about 680 pesticide active ingredients.
Chemical Search is an intuitive web application that gives the regulated community, scientists, and interested stakeholders increased access to the regulatory and scientific "story" behind pesticide active ingredients.
This change involves the Environmental Protection Agency's classification of inert pesticide ingredients.
Mr. Jones said the agency had addressed chlorpyrifos in complying with a 10-year Congressional mandate to review 9,741 pesticide ingredients by Thursday.
Cancer prevention advocates said today that evidence shows that some pesticide ingredients mimic estrogen or spur its production in the body.
Over 250 products are banned for sale and more than 95 pesticide ingredients are banned for cosmetic uses.
Ms. Tucker said that illegal importation and false labeling of pesticide ingredients was not uncommon but was often difficult to prove.
The Environmental Protection Agency and the National Agricultural Chemicals Association say that between 800 million and 1 billion pounds of some 600 pesticide ingredients are used each year.
Pesticide Chemical Search: regulatory and scientific information on pesticide active ingredients.
The E.P.A. has said that at least 66 of the roughly 300 pesticide ingredients used by farmers are "probable carcinogens."