But there is no denying that the attacks were carried out in the name of Islam, albeit a perverted version of it.
So their Islam is a perverted version, which the overwhelming majority of Muslims in Singapore do not subscribe to".
The same outsized gossip that has left Bryant and his accuser at the mercy of hourly innuendo makes for a perverted version of reality TV.
Samuel started singing something that sounded like a perverted version of duck, duck, goose, circling her around the car.
Or was it a perverted version produced by the Democratic Social- ist Welfare Party which had controlled the country before Janet?
It was a dreadfully perverted version of the love bond which existed between voidhawks and their captains.
Broomstick Johnson - 30 minutes ago He looks like the perverted version of Jon Gruden...
It looks to me like a perverted version of..." Sue knew she had said the wrong thing as soon as the words left her mouth.
Now they're a collection of individual talent burdened by their Yankeeness, evoking a perverted version of an old phrase, "He's not heavy; he's my Yankee."