With the perverse nature of a teenage boy on speed.
Never did a perverse nature declare itself more prematurely, and yet it was not owing to any fault in his bringing up.
Vampires are by their very nature perverse and do wicked and terrible things simply for the sport of it.
Hutchinson feels there is a perverse nature to Michael's actions: "see the difference between how he watches and pursues women to men".
"This is just my perverse nature," he said.
Again, it pleased her perverse nature to see Chika with this - thing - she had created.
Wilfrid is one of the most perverse, complex, unintelligible natures one could come across.
Finally, child pornography and prostitution exist because some individuals have a perverse nature.
He makes no secret of the perverse nature of his magazine nor does he apologize for its content.
A further indication of the lord's perverse nature arrived soon enough.