But after initial discomfort the coincidence had a distinct, if perverse, appeal.
But for those few brave road warriors who want to squeeze out a few more hours of untethered web browsing and email-bashing, it might have a perverse appeal.
That had its perverse appeal.
The perverse appeal of "Natural Born Killers" seems to be that it creates the illusion of making a provocative statement.
Driving did have a certain perverse appeal.
And yet with its taint of perverse appeal.
He may also realize that a horse who holds the national record for losing races holds a kind of perverse public appeal.
The music (marshalled by Ian Broudie) also has a perverse appeal, flutes whistling and horns parping to the synthetic groove.
New York holds a certain perverse appeal for Ms. Coulter.
Mr. Klein's assumption that the worst polluters will return long-term profits holds a sort of perverse appeal, but is neither logical nor documentable.