State social services officials and advocates for the poor concede that the program is stigmatized by a pervasive stereotype.
Retailers know they are facing a pervasive stereotype that real-world holiday shopping is a parking and service nightmare.
Long-lasting partnerships like theirs call into question the pervasive stereotype of the male jazz musician as a womanizing free spirit.
The Angry Black Woman is a pervasive stereotype in the United States.
Given the pervasive stereotype of eunuchs as ineffective wimps, it is no surprise that men dread this label.
He never bought into the pervasive stereotypes of old age.
Still, Dr. Levy and others say, it can be difficult to resist the pervasive stereotypes of aging.
Conflicts and Ambiguities It also underscores a more complex issue: how the pervasive stereotype of criminals as young black males may influence police officers' responses.
The idea that geeks - especially gamer geeks - are unhealthy and out of shape is a huge, pervasive stereotype.
The pervasive stereotype that blacks and Latinos are not academically inclined infects even the people in their own communities, the students said.