There was a faint but pervasive smell of sweat, excrement and rotting meat.
There was a strong pervasive smell of cheap disinfectant and rubbing alcohol.
He noticed a faint but pervasive smell and was for a moment returned to the mortuary in Nairobi.
Now we had to disperse the faint but pervasive smell.
There was a pervasive smell of burning hydrocarbons, wood smoke, and ashes.
She lived in the 1830's, when the pervasive smell of an Ohio town, he tells us, was of wood burned to clear the forest.
A heavy and pervasive smell began to fill the place, choking her.
A wooden cross above the narrow bed, the pervasive smell of sand and night.
There was a pervasive smell of paint and ammonia.
Only the dark and her sobs and the pervasive smell of her perfume.