A faint, pervasive odour of alcohol seeped up off the polished wood counter.
Floors were filthy, and a "pervasive odor" tainted the air.
The elevator smelled of disinfectant, a pervasive odor that marked hospitals around the world.
But it did, a rancid, pervasive odor, part chemical, part almost like cinnamon.
It was different now, and what struck Patrice was the pervasive odor that hung in the air.
A pervasive odor of old fish, sour mud, and rotting wood filled the air.
As he did so, he could smell the pervasive odor of perfume.
A curiously pervasive odor that filled the house that he couldn't quite name.
There is a pervasive odor of soggy cloth and paper.
His face was gray, and he no longer seemed to notice the somewhat pervasive odor of Ptheela.