I felt the pervasive force of teargas hit my eyes first and linger at the back of my throat for hours.
A mordant outlook, along with chilly detachment and often pitch-black humor, was the year's most pervasive force.
And while the Mafia is still a pervasive force here, its mystique has been tarnished.
Well, whether you believe in its teachings or not, Soreth, it's a powerful and pervasive cultural force, a focus for a people's aspirations and values.
Where were the voices of reason to help Marbury better deal with the pervasive forces of self-interest?
Intent is the pervasive force that causes us to perceive.
"It is such a pervasive force."
That is the natural ubiquitous pervasive force of consciousness.
The economic pull of the video market is perhaps the most pervasive force.