This consists of publications dedicated to discussing pertinent topics relating to human rights, the impact of failing states, and corruption.
The Practicing Spirituality class conducts frequent morning prayer services focused around topics pertinent to the life of a young adult of faith in our increasingly secular culture.
In addition, there is always a guest speaker who addresses the students on a topic pertinent to primary health care (PHC).
As we reiterated to the point of boredom, an attempt to assess the actual facts is a different topic, not pertinent to our specific inquiry.
Rotating guest lecturers speak at 7 p.m. on a variety of pertinent topics.
I believe we have discussed all pertinent topics.
To initiate discussion around the following: stealing, plagiarism, intellectual honesty and other pertinent topics.
Spiritual development is achieved through weekly discussions on pertinent Catholic topics, community service, and annual participation in Spiritual Exercises.
The format includes hymns and readings from Singing the Living Tradition followed by a discussion on a pertinent spiritual topic.
Following are the positions he has taken on some pertinent political topics.