While their work specifically pertains to Project 25 radios, it is directly applicable to any system using similar multi-band excitation coders.
Guidance from Communities is available in the form of 12 Government Published documents, each pertaining specifically to a particular type of premises.
This is an alphabetical list of articles pertaining specifically to civil engineering.
Apparently, on this edge of heaven, each of us saw only that which pertained to him specifically.
Article 18 specifically pertains to freedom of expression and opinions for media workers, among others:
Additional issues pertaining specifically to the nature of consumer arbitration have been discussed.
There are two optional protocols included in the Convention; one pertaining specifically to the restriction on using children as soldiers.
This is an alphabetical list of articles pertaining specifically to electrical and electronics engineering.
Although similar in many respects to adventure travel, jungle tourism pertains specifically to the context of region, culture and activity.
Fan-funded music is a type of crowd funding that specifically pertains to music.