He was afterward forced by circumstances to join the British at Malden, but he was instrumental in persuading several tribes to remain neutral, and in a council at that place he vindicated his course in a speech that was called by his enemies "American talk."
But before he could acquire the power to persuade other tribes to join his Eburones, Ambiorix needed a victory.
Chief Roundhead was an important ally of Tecumseh, and as Tecumseh's "enforcer" was helpful in "persuading" various Indian tribes to unite under Tecumseh and fight against aggression by the white man.
He persuaded several Indian tribes with gambling interests that they needed to pay vast sums for his services and those of Michael Scanlon, a former DeLay aide.
His big coup was persuading gullible Indian tribes to hire him as an adviser; his advice was to give less money to Democrats and more to Republicans.
A third, under Argyle and Athol, accompanied by John, succeeded, through an accommodation, in persuading several tribes to join the royal forces.
Various sheiks scoff at the idea that American money might persuade crucial tribes to switch sides.
They persuaded tribes to end internecine feuds and unite to confront the encroaching settlement frontier.
Nonetheless, the subjugation of Ferghana persuaded other tribes to cooperate with the Han rulers, ultimately resulting in the opening of the Silk Road.