The government would have to persuade other nations to take the rest.
Instead, the Administration is trying to persuade other nations to follow its lead in freezing the overseas assets of leaders and supporters of the government.
That is a provocative step that might well make it harder to persuade other nations to forgo nuclear arms and tests.
Mr. Putin has been leading an international campaign to persuade other nations to oppose the program.
American ratification is widely seen as a major step that would persuade other nations to follow suit.
Also, the use of trade incentives and the like to persuade other nations to adopt treaties is a standard approach in international relationships.
In this view, American credibility is an essential part of persuading other nations to stop or reverse their nuclear programs.
He also said efforts are continuing to persuade other nations to contribute military forces.
He is exactly right that this globalization presents new tools for persuading corporations and nations to do the right thing.
By showing that Washington is serious, President Clinton may now persuade other nations to demand change or join the exodus.