He has persuaded several large corporations to build branches in York and is pushing to build an 8,000-seat minor league baseball stadium.
Persuading corporations to purchase ads across all of them must be tough, which means each site has to stand on its own two feet.
The study will be used to persuade other corporations to follow this lead, Ms. Lohman said.
The results persuaded several major corporations that interoperability testing would be a critical component of functioning networks.
The ultimate goal is to persuade large corporations to build marketing and advertising campaigns around scientists and engineers as they have with athletes.
The arts world has responded vigorously, bringing in professional fund raisers and persuading once-reluctant British corporations to make contributions.
While conservative groups have said their boycotts have persuaded corporations to change their marketing techniques, their influence seems questionable.
He is exactly right that this globalization presents new tools for persuading corporations and nations to do the right thing.
The first step is to persuade corporations to sample the services, and the journey usually begins with a sale of bonds.
Mr. Stambler, however, has had success in persuading several corporations to license his patents.