"How can we persuade Americans that their cultural history is worth knowing?"
It has not persuaded Americans, who generally expect to succeed, that they might be well served by more insurance.
Formidable as the task may seem at present, the long-term need is to persuade Americans that having evidence for your beliefs is a good idea.
Somehow the federation must persuade Americans that unions are an answer to their concerns.
The secretary said he was determined to "persuade Americans to change their lifestyles" in the coming year.
First, he said, the administration was concentrating on persuading Americans that basic changes were needed in the program.
He must persuade Americans that they do not need to worry about punishing him, because his wife and daughter will do it.
Stewart's challenge is not to persuade Americans that the extremists are a minority but to get the less agitated to vote.
Some people make a living passionately trying to persuade Americans that they are tricked into paying income taxes.
The problem today is how to persuade Americans that it ought to be - and can be - changed.