The city population figures do not include the estimated 10,000 American military personnel and their dependents stationed at Misawa Air Base.
Over all, 114,817,000 Americans held jobs last month - 113,081,000 civilians and 1,736,000 military personnel stationed in this country.
Constitution is presented to the public as she appeared during the War of 1812, and personnel stationed aboard the Constitution still wear uniforms according to regulations posted in 1815.
Currently there are no provisions for personnel stationed outside the U.S. to vote in-person where stationed.
It was one of the handful of Starfleet personnel stationed at the base--Jack Emmett, a security officer, very young, very keen.
Foreign military personnel stationed in the U.S.
Iran has a responsibility to protect the diplomatic missions present in its country and the personnel stationed at them.
Pig heads were purchased cheap since they were not used in preparing meals for the U.S. Air Force personnel stationed there.
The personnel stationed at Valley Forge General Hospital had no married housing available to them.
As a result, personnel stationed there, with only very few exceptions, were able to wear "summer" uniforms year round, unless they had a need to go outside during the winter season.